What is yourprofession?

Every job requires the right clothing.
Discover what’s right for you!

[ Functional work underwear ]

We produce exclusivelySKINWEAR

We create first layer functional work underwear: technical socks and technical underwear selecting only the best fibers.
We offer the best quality of Made in Italy also in design.


The technical underwear with a feminine cut.

Find out more

[ Technologies ]

We are not satisfiedof certifications

Performance technologies

Thermoregulating technologies

Anatomical technologies

Protective technologies

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[ Make work better ]

Why choose Worik?

We improve the work by producing only the best.
We have competence in the world of work because every day we supply workers with products from high technical know-how, high-performance technologies and materials. A promise of reliability, a confidence guarantee.
The fact that whatever is the condition to be faced does not need to worry, because Worik thinks about it.

Improve your job

[ Discover the products ]

Made in Italy,at the right price.


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